All roads lead to MLS! The Multiple Listing Service is where all properties for sale are listed within the real estate industry in Canada.
Whether you're using a real estate brokerage's branded site, a specific realtor's site (like this one) or a service like Realtor.ca, all the available property information is pulled directly from the MLS system.
MLS listings are made up of a fairly standard set of components: photos, a written description, data about the property size and features, and supplemental documents to ensure any interested buyers or buying agents have as much information as possible so they schedule a showing and ultimately, fall in love with the property and make and offer. The importance of your MLS listing's impact cannot be understated!
So if you're planning to sell property, how do you ensure your listing stands out from the competition? How do you make the most of your MLS listing?
This post explores 4 tips to maximize your MLS listing.
TIP #1 - Have professional photos taken of the home and property, and have them professionally edited.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but I assure you there are listings out there with dull, blurry photos that are doing NO FAVOURS to the property they attempt to sell. Schedule a photographer and make it happen!
Most people go straight to the photos first when browsing listings, so having crisp, professional photos is key to retaining buyer interest. Professional photos show off the property to its fullest potential and can entice buyers with their visual strength.
Your photographer will also edit the photos professionally. This can include bumping the exposure to brighten the images, retouching any visible sky to be blue (rather than grey or overcast) or any number of minor adjustments to make the photos sing. Important to note here that professional editing does not alter the content of the images beyond reality, only enhances what is already there. I suppose the sky is the exception there, but you're not selling the sky!
Having professional photos taken includes the step of PREPARING for photos -- you can watch my short video about how to prepare your home for photos and showings.
TIP #2 - Input as much data as possible
There are many, many fields to input data on your MLS listing. It is crucial to include as much accurate information as possible in these fields! You may need to dig deep to get the information required, and it will be worth the effort. Not only will this data populate your listing, but these fields are also searchable -- meaning someone could set their search to look specifically for this information.
Data includes accurate room measurements, lot size, age of the home, and other obvious essentials. Some of the often-overlooked fields include property features like parking options, fireplace details, and site influences like nearby amenities and views.
Don't miss out on offering someone the perfect property because you overlooked the importance of raw data.
TIP #3 - Be creative and informative in your written description
Property descriptions have evolved significantly over the last few decades. In the 90s for example, it was more common to find descriptions that only included point form facts like "3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Includes washer/dryer."
Nowadays you can find all kinds of creative presentations in the description that further the impact of the MLS listing by describing what COULD be done with the property.
This is your chance to paint a picture for a prospective buyer of the POTENTIAL of the property.
Determine the key features of the home and property, and make sure to highlight them in your writeup. Find your inner writer!
TIP #4 - Include a call to action
Within your written description in your MLS listing, consider adding a call to action for the reader.
Whether it's "Call today to book a private tour" or "Contact me for an information package" there are many options to illicit a response from an interested party to engage more with your property. Having them contact you to book a showing or more information gets them orbiting in your sphere.
With all the effort that goes into creating an informative, thoughtful and impactful MLS listing, including a call to action will only assist you in your goal to sell this property.
For more tips, topics and up to date news about the real estate market in Kamloops and region, listen to the Kamloops Real Estate Insider Podcast!